In accordance with the resolution of the board of directors of AMR Asia Public Company Limited ("the Company"), it is hereby announced that the principles of ethics and integrity will be upheld as fundamental and core values.

These principles are essential in enhancing and elevating good corporate governance and serve as the foundation for stability and sustainable growth. Additionally, they support the Company in achieving its set objectives.

Good Corporate Governance Policy
Code of Conduct


Charter of Directors
Charter of Audit Committee
Charter of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Scope of Authority of the Company's Board of Directors
Scope of Authority of the Chairman of the Board of Directors
Scope of the Chief Executive Officer

Other Policies

Policy and guidelines for shareholder rights in nominating individuals for election to the board of directors
Policy and guidelines for shareholder rights in proposing meeting agendas
Investment and Managing the company in subsidiaries and associated companies
Policy on whistleblowing and complaints
Corporate social responsibility policy
Procurement Policy
Use of Inside Information Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy

Corporate Documents

Articles of Association

Anti Corruption And Complaining

AMR Asia Public Company Limited together with the subsidiary places significant importance on the subject of anti-corruption, and hence, has issued a related policy and guidelines for business operation.

Anti-Corruption Policy


Report any instances of corruption or violations and infringements to the Business Code of Conduct to the Whistleblower channel.

Whistleblowing Form